3 years ago I would have never thought my life would consist of the "nutty-ness" that surrounds me.
It seems like every day is a whirl wind of trying to accomplish everything I need to do, while being the best wife and mamma there is. I try my best to remain calm, cool and perfect. Nicely made bed, laundry folded (neatly) and put away, Baby Boo's room clean and sparkly, and well, mamma showered and wearing makeup and actual clothes..not sweats.
How can I be perfect and accomplish everything?!?
I can't! Which is why I have learned to embrace the "nutty-ness."
In stead of dressing Baby Boo in the latest Baby gap fashion with the brightest pink flower head band...
We play dress up with Dada's hats.

What kind of hat is that Dada?
Instead of cleaning up toys off the floor, we grab those toys and throw them out side, embrace the sunshine, and tan our pearly white leggies!

Pass the baby oil Baby Boo!
And then we get crazy when it comes to lunch. No fresh pureed carrots and sweet potatoes Baby Boo, let's embrace this crazy and eat oranges!

Because eating oranges means we can make all the funny faces we want, especially when that sour taste reaches those newly sensitive taste buds of ours.

Keep up those faces Baby Boo! I'm not gonna tell you that your face is gonna freeze no matter how long you hold it. Just lies..Lies from people trying to be perfect.
And while you eat your sour oranges, Mama's going to embrace that "nutty-ness" even more! No I'm not going to make some boring soup, or a plain old salad.
I'm gonna eat Nut Butter..
Perfect for the occasion don't you think?

Double Chocolate Walnut Almond Butter
Although it taste sinful, this nut butter has extremely good for you ingredients. Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts you can have. Rich in omega 3's as well as perfect for lowing cholesterol. They also aid in reducing the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Almonds, also rich in omega 3's, have an abundance of vitamins, and are great for your heart. Dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure, as well as an amazing source of antioxidants.
adapted from edibleperspective
1 cup raw almonds
1 cup raw walnuts
2 tsp. organic pure cane sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
2 TB dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. almond extract
3 large TB dark chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 325. Place almonds and walnuts on baking sheet and toast for about 10-15 minutes, rotating every 3-4 minutes. Careful not to burn!
2. Once nuts are done, let cool then throw into food processor. Process until creamy, like a nut butter. This takes a couple minutes, but be patient. Keep scraping sides during processing.
3. Then add in sugar, salt, vanilla, and almond extract. process until smooth.
4. Then add in cocoa powder. Process until smooth. Then add in chocolate chips and process until creamy. The heat from the processing will melt the chocolate! :)
5. Then take a large spoon and start eating! ;)

Seriously...prepare for a food-gasmic feeling!
Super creamy, super chocolatey! It felt like I was eating frosting!

I have thrown this on EvErYtHiNg!! Including my face. All over. It wasn't pretty.No Joke.
It is especially amazing in green drinks, especially THIS ONE...

I think I can come to terms with all this "nutty-ness" and accept that it is perfectly okay! If being "nutty" means we get to kick off our heals and crawl around in diapers, then I'm DOWN. And I'm talking Baby Boo wearing diapers...not me. If I get to that point please intervene.
Hopefully we won't get to that point, but if so, you must know that being a little "nutty" makes me extremely happy!

Because being perfect is just to dang hard.
Pass the frosting!!