Glass is half empty..Not half full..
When it rains..It freaking pours.
Not just raining on my parade, but snowing, windy, tornado-ing on my freaking parade.
Blah Blah Blah ain't gonna happen unless a Fat Lady is singing her great big heart out..
I'm a drama queen.
Laugh all you want, but if there is a scratch on my shin you bet your little hiney I'm wining to my Mama telling her how I will never ever ever be able to wear shorts again, and most likely should never leave the house until that scratch is gone.
Is that a true story?
I dunno, I'm kind of an exaggerator too.
So you see, yesterday I set out to bake brownies. ME of all people should be able to bake brownies.
But then, I got a little crazy and started throwing in random ingredients that most brownies don't have,(but, I think should) and the end result came out okay...

BUT Hot Dang All Mighty they sure didn't taste like a brownie.
So of coarse I cried, not over spilled milk, but cruddy brownies, and swore to everyone who could hear me that I would never ever ever cook again...
Unless a fat lady was singing.
And as I dramatized the whole scenario for my Hubby when he got home, he in no way humored my dramatic rant and instead told me ,"Honey, why don't you try and look at the positive things in life..instead of all the negatives."
Why are husbands always right??
(SHH DO NOT tell him I said that.)
How can I sit here and complain about poopy brownies, when I am so incredibly blessed to have the things that I have?
Slap again.
SO I quickly gathered what pride was left of me, and told my Hubby in return for is words of genius-ness I was going to make him the best afternoon snack he had ever had.

Fat lady singing or not...

Chai Chia Pudding with Cinnamon Raspberry "Ice Cream"
*For the Pudding*
1/2 C. Pumpkin Puree
1/2 C. Non Dairy Milk
2 TB Chia Seeds
1 scoop Vanilla Chai(or reg. Vanilla) Protein Powder
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Ginger
1/4 tsp. Allspice
*For the "Ice Cream"*
1 Frozen Banana
1/3 C. Frozen Raspberries
1 C. Spinach
2 TB. Non Dairy Milk
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1. Mix all ingredients for the pudding in a bowl until combined then set in fridge.
2. Blend "Ice Cream" ingredients into food processor until creamy. Remove Pudding from fridge, and get a tall glass/bowl.
3. Layer Pudding and Ice Cream until all are gone. Sprinkle with coconut if desired.

I prayed that this would make up for my little "episode" earlier..

And Luckily For me...
It did.