In the mood to laugh? If you haven't already, don't forget to check out this video of Baby Boo I posted on Friday! It is SuRe to bring a smile to anyone's face :)
I feel like I am in a whirl wind.
Maybe not a whirl wind, because I don't really know what that means. I'm feeling more along the lines of being trapped in a tornado.
Ok, no wrong again, because that would mean everything is spiraling out of control, and that isn't happening either. (P.S. It took me 7 tries to spell spiraling.)
So if I am not in a whirl wind, nor a tornado, then where am I in life right now..?
I am right here.

Here, where I am supposed to be.
The past few days have been hell, to say the least. With my grandpa passing, my husband gone, Baby Boo teething plus catching Hand Foot and Mouth Disease..(what is that??-No she hasn't been sucking on other children's hands, feet, or mouths..That we know of :\) I have had a hard time adjusting to right now in life.

And then today, when I was trying to come up with ways to play with Baby Boo, I realized that I have been so busy with this and that, I haven't taken time to enjoy the simple things, like teaching Baby Boo how to play with Dolls.

Weird, I know, but everybody is always trying to get Baby Boo to rough house, and kick and throw balls, and do boy things..when she clearly is ALL girl. :)
She was in much need of doll time.
She did well with Ba-Ba feeding...

But then she got stingy.

We are still working on pushing the stroller.

And handeling with care.

But, I can definitely say she is improving.

I realize that...I love enjoying the simple things.
Like Cake.

Pretty Cake to be exact.
Want to learn how to make said cake...Pretty?

It's actually reeeaaallly easy, and you can impress any one with your sick wit' it skills!
Begin with a cake.
Frost a thin layer all over the cake with a thick and sturdy frosting, such as a buttercream.

Next, grab your tip.

I use a Wilton Star tip#1M. This one works best for what we are trying to accomplish.
You have to be careful with this tip, because those little star edges easily bend..aka, if you drop or step on them.
NOT that this has happened to me. But trust me, your tip will pipe funny-ly(word?-it is now!) if it bends :)

Then, put the star tip in a piping bag, the fill with the rest of your frosting.
Next, started on the top of the cake, start piping a circle, any size, but instead of connecting the circle, continue to swirl the frosting towards the middle.

Continue to do this all around the cake.

I wasn't trying to make this cake look perfect, so as you can see the centers are a little crazy where I lifted up the piping bag.
If you don't like this, just make sure to smoothie pick up the bag when done with you rosette.
Also, when piping the rosettes, make piping bag pipe close to the cake, and not holding the piping up higher.

Once done, you can leave the cake as is, or you can bedazzle it up, like me :)

I took a bunch of dragees, or pink silver balls, and put them randomly through out the cake. Although I mostly put them in the centers of the rosettes, where the piping had ended.

And there you have it.
Super easy.
You know what else I am loving right now??

Recipe tomorrow my friends :)
I guess living in the right now isn't so bad after all! ;)