Ghost, goblins, and scary things alike,
All come out on Halloween night.
Trick or Treaters/Candy Eaters dress up with delight,
Hoping for buckets packed full of those sugary bites.
While kids dress like vampires, super heroes and fairys,
Mom n' Dad's have their costumes that are morbidly embarrassing.

We love the idea of dressing up as someone your not,
and eating one's weight in candy 'til your teeth rot...
You see it's a fun holiday, but there are healthier ways to enjoy.
Once you know what I mean, you will scream n' shout, "Oh Boy!!"
Start the morning off right with a drink green that's scary...

With out spinach or kale, how it's green, that's quite weary?
Peppermint P(e)atty Green Drink
1. non dairy milk, 2 C. frozen peas, 1 large banana(or two small), 6 dates, 2 TB coconut, 2 TB. chia seeds or ground flax, ice
optional: mint leaves/peppermint extract, cocoa nibs.

Next don't forget to stuff your crockpot with goodies,
Chili on Halloween night is a must for you my dearies.

Make sure it's veggie packed, as well as delicious.
Cornbread with butter is best! It's Fab-U-Licious!
Don't forget to spend the day dancing around,
Shakin' your booty in that tutu ...Drop it to the ground!

Then when it comes to that time to get all dressed and pretty,
Don't forget to be safe, look both ways, and avoid all the iffy's.
When you get home check that candy, for some you must beware.
But save all those M&M's, those you must not share! (only with me.)
Although I must say the candy is just ok,
Especially when compared to that frosted donut in my face.

The frosting is to die for,
it's different but delicious...

One taste and you will want more,
but only if you do the dishes!
Pumpkin Spice Cashew Cream Frosting
1 C. cashews (soak in water before, for about 30 minutes.)
1/4 C. non dairy milk
4 TB. pumpkin puree
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
3 TB. Pure Maple Syrup
1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor (cashews only-not the water it was soaked in), and puree until smooth and creamy.
2. Dip hand in processor(while blade is turned off!!) and then lick hand like a dog.

No teeth rotting or tummy aches are to be had with this frosting.
Just happy faces and well treated bodies, oh a mouth full with "fosthingpsh."
But if your kids/your hubbys are like, "what they fugdsicle?! Cashews for dessert?!"
Simple don't tell them before hand, or tell them, "Be quiet, you twerp!"
No, okay...Let's not do that, it would be totally mean...

Simply disguise that dear frosting, so the cashews are unseen! :-)
Happy Halloween my little goblins and vampires galore!
Please remember to safe as you go door to door!
But most of all:
Remember this valuable lesson for next year.
Applying make-up on babies(for halloween) does not make for good cheer!
Happy halloween!!