We all have them.
Some we admit..Some we don't.
And if you follow me on Instagram (speaking of obsessions), you may find a picture evident of things we shouldn't admit.
Like my Barbie collection that I found at my Mom's house.
A Barbie collection full of shirtless kens, that is.
That's probably because their only other wardrobe options were these shiny things...
Next we have Slore Barbie:
Either she's wearing kens shirt, or she is missing pants..You tell me.
And is that tinsel in her hair??!!
I secretly wanted that done at the fair.
Along with a feather.
I know..I want to be just like Barbie.
Only problem is, Barbie doesn't eat..Or at least she doesn't look like it.
And I like to eat..More like slurp..
Because right now, I am obsessed with my Mom's garden.
Especially the amount of Basil she has.
Which is why everyday since I have been here I have started out with one of these:
So. Refreshing.
Even Barbie couldn't turn it down.
Basil Cucumber Smoothie
Almond Milk, Frozen BlueBerries, Frozen Banana, 1/2 Cucumber, 1/4 C. Basil, Oats, Sunflower Seeds, and Vanilla.
To be honest, I am really obsessed with 'cold' foods right now, due to this heat!
Like Ice Cream.
Any Sort of Chocolatey ice cream works best to my satisfaction :)
You see, today is my Grandpa's Funeral. And, I wanted nothing more than to replicate a dessert, (with my own twist) that reminded my of him more than anything...
When I was younger, I used to go to my Grandparents for a few days and visit, and every night my grandparents and we would eat fudgesicles!
Remember those??
I think I would always ask if I could have another one..In fact I think I always ate more than two..
That's all you need to know.
Chocolate Cherry Basil Ice Cream
14 oz. Can Light Coconut Milk (Can use full fat for a creamier texture)
2 bananas
1/4 C-1/2 C. Basil (I like mine with more Basil...)
1/2 C. Dark Cherries
1/4 C. Dark Cocoa Powder (If your not a fan of dark, use reg.)
2 TB. Vanilla
2-4 TB. Agave (optional) I didn't add any because I like my chocolate more dark then sweet.
1. In a high speed blender(turned off) add your coconut milk.
Oh and you must ALWAYS use a PINK can opener..or else the recipe won't turn out :)
2. Next add your chopped banana, basil, and cherries.

3. Then add cocoa powder, vanilla, and sweetener, if using.
4. Blend all ingredients in blender until completely pureed and creamy.
5. Next, using an Ice Cream Machine*, follow the directions on the machine.
6. Once machine is done, you will most likely have to freeze the ice cream for at least an hour.
*This recipe, I am assuming, could be done without an Ice cream Machine. Just blend all ingredients and place in a bowl. Freeze until solid, then scoop out. Or add a bunch of ice to blender for a thick shake/ice cream.*
I ate mine right by the pool :)
I had to eat fast though, because Ice Cream+100 degree heat=Well..delicious, but you get it.
It tasted like a grown up version of a fudgesicle...
Because...I AM all grown up now :)
"Says the girl with a box of Barbies."
But if being a kid means Playing Barbies with Baby Boo and Ice Cream...
Then I don't want to grow up.