Do Over + Weekly Menu and Workout Schedule

Ok my friends! I've been planning this post FOR A LONG TIME.

But I have been procrastinating because of FEAR. It's so scary to put yourself out there, expose your faults, share your passions, and express your feelings. But I've had this little voice in my head that has told me not to be afraid, and that's why this post exist today.

I've explained a lot in this crazy video that follows, but here is a quick summary. I have not been the best healthy living/lifestyle gal for a while... I just haven't. I think when we experience hard times/good times, we grow and we learn from these experiences. Having babies, going through personal struggles, being a mama, and everything in between hasn't always been easy, but I have loved every.single.part. My life, my kids, and my husband are my greatest blessings. But a long the way, especially having 3 kids under 5, I have had to do some 're-learning' so to speak. Figuring out how to live healthy when things are different or challenging.

So watch the video to get more of the details! I feel so happy to share this with you, and I hope this brings us closer and lets you know that we all struggle, and we all aren't perfect! And we can come back!

So, what do you think!

Do over
Do over

In order to be held accountable, and to show you what I'll be doing to get back on track, I've decided that on Monday's I'll include my weekly workout schedule and our family's weekly dinner plan. Planning is key, and when it's all written out for you, I know it can be a lot easier to succeed. It may not be a perfect workout week, or the best menu, but it's the reality of what I'm doing. I'm not going to sugar coat it and tell you I'm doing 1 thing, when I'm really not. :) Not cool guys. Not cool.

So let's do this together!

weekly workout.
weekly workout.

Monday: Cardio

-5/10 minute warm up

-30 minutes elliptical

-5 minute cool down

Tuesday: Tone It Up Legs for Days Workout (Choose 2 workouts)

Busy Babe Abs

Wednesday: Cardio

-5/10 minute warm up

-20 minute jog

-5/10 minute cool down

Thursday:Blogilates 6 minute arms

Blogilates 6 minute abs

Friday:Rest Day (But do moms really rest?)

Saturday: Family Walk

weekly menu
weekly menu

Monday: Pizza Night with Salad & Fruit

Tuesday: Hearty Chicken Tortilla Soup

Wednesday: Slow Cooker Chili with Cornbread

Thursday: Cheese Enchiladas w/ Homemade Sauce, Rice, Roasted Corn

Friday: Breakfast for Dinner! (Mama lifesaver!)

Saturday: Night off cooking!

Can't wait to start this week! Thanks for all of your support!!