For the past 14 months i've been surprised with how little sleep my body, and Baby Boo's body, have been able to survive off of.
I know I joke about how Baby Boo made a deal with the devil when it came to sleep, but I just want you to's no joke.
I've seen the my sleep. That is, if I was sleeping, I might have been hallucinating.
Lack of sleep does that to you.
Come wednesday night, Baby Boo woke up around 12:30 crying. This was nothing out of the normal, so I got out of bed, walked into her room, and picked her up. When I picked her up, i quickly realized her body temperature was extremely hot. Not your average fever hot..
I turned on the light, and noticed that she was having little convulsions and twitches, and her heart was racing a million miles a minute. Of coarse, I lost it, and ran to hubby asking him what was wrong. We decided to take her to the ER, thinking her fever was extremely high...
This was wednesday night.
Now, it's friday morning, and Baby Boo is doing a little better. We aren't really sure of the cause for the fever spike, but she had shots this week, so we are thinking that might have been the problem. Right now we are just trying to keep her little body cool..and get her some sleep.
And if you were wondering, none of us have slept since wednesday night. But more so, I am glad that Baby Boo is ok!! My life wouldn't be worth living if I didn't wake up to see this precious face everyday:
Needless to say, our little fam damn needed some comfort. Of coarse we relied on food for that...
And nothing says comfort more than a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese! :-)
It's actually Baby Boo's favorite meal! She LOOOOVES macaroni and cheese!
So does the hubby..But he prefers the one in the blue box, which will go unnamed...But if you must know, it rhymes with KrAp-ft...
Pumpkin Macaroni N' Goat Cheese
1 1/2 C.dry pasta of choice or 3 C. cooked pasta
(for the sauce)
1 C. pumpkin puree
1/2 C. + 2 TB. Non dairy milk
1 TB. chopped garlic
3 TB. hummus (I used roasted garlic)
4 TB. Nutritional Yeast
2 tsp. Paprika
1 tsp. dry mustard
salt and pepper to taste
3 TB non dairy butter (i use earth balance)
1/3 C. Goat cheese (or for kiddos you could sub non dairy cheese(such as daiya), or organic cheddar cheese)
1 TB. Nutritional Yeast(for topping)
1. Cook pasta according to directions. While pasta is cooking, prepare sauce.
2. In a food processor, blender (or even by hand), blend pumpkin, milk, garlic, hummus, nutritional yeast, and spices until blended and creamy. Then in a sauce pan, pour sauce and add butter and cheese and stir until melted and combined. Remove from heat.
3. In a baking dish, add your pasta and mix with sauce. Fold sauce into pasta until incorporated. You can eat as is (I think kids like it this way the best) or for the adults you can bake it. We like to take out a little portion unbaked for Baby Boo, and then bake the rest of the pasta for us.
4. If you decided to bake, preheat oven to 350. Top pasta with a little extra nutritional yeast (about 1 TB) and a little bit of seasoned bread crumbs. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Purely Comfort.
And in case you were wondering, hubby took that whole casserole dish, added avocado on top, doused it with tabasco, and dug in. I looked at him and said, "ummmm...Can I have some, or did ya think I made that whole thing for you?"
I haven't been the only one in love with this fall/comfort season...
A few of my BFF bloggy friends have some delicious eats this fall too!
Heather at Get Healthy with Heather, who AlWaYs has something delicious to share, made this Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate!

And to top that off, she made Pomegranate and Almond Butter Deep Dark Chocolate Brownies!!!

Heather-you get brownie points for SURE!!
Ragnhild from Vegan Aphrodite (who is super cute might I add) loves to make this pumpkin pasta that she found from Green Kitchen Stories!

Can't go wrong with Pumpkin Pasta! :-)
Anna from The Guiltless Life made TWO different kind of seasonal pies, because she is amazing like that, one being savory and one being sweet.
First one is a Leek, Spinach, Lentil, and Potato Pie:

Right up my alley!
And the next one is a Chocolate Fudge Pie inspired by Chocolate Covered Katie:

You can see now why Anna is amazing!
Alyssa from Fashion Fitness Foodie made a Pumpkin French Toast:

Hey Alyssa, can I come over for breakfast?
And last, but more certainly not least, Kate from A Healthy Passion made Sweet Potato Overnight Oats:

Kate, may I come over for breakfast TOO!!??
Thank you to all these fabulous bloggers that shared their tasty seasonal eats with us!! Everything looks so delicious, and I expect invitations to all your houses for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert in the near future!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!