A Typical Morning w/ Baby Boo-VIDEO

Some of our mornings start out...rough.

Since Baby Boo has never really learned the meaning of the word "sleep," we tend to get an earlier-than-i'd-prefer start to the day.

I often find myself trying to hold my eyes open as I scramble through old recorded episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, just so I can pull myself together...(Because there is nothing more awakening than hearing Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck having a conversation about choo choo trains and mouskadoodles.)

I used to wonder if our mornings "fit" into that typical every day schedule like other stay-at-home moms, and I often asked myself if I'm the norm...

or well...far from it.

But there is something that I have learned through out this whole mommy journey, and it's that no one is ever of the norm...

No one.

Sometimes we go to the mall and there are mommy's there who have taken showers and their clothes actually fit and match. My first thought it, "Oh Brother, look at me...I took a shower today. Nener nener nener. I'm the best mom ever!"

But as I have grown older, and the showers happened way less, I realize some things aren't just that important. (Ok...Although showers ARE important.)

My daughter's smile on her face brings more joy to me than anything.

Moral of the story: If you see me at the mall, run far far away...I'm stinky.

So for those mama's out there that want to feel a little bit more normal, and realize that some mornings our hair isn't going to be brushed, our clothes aren't going to be perfect, and we might just have to listen to Justin Bieber more than once to make it though the day...

It's all good! As long as you and your kiddos are smiling that's all that matters!

A Typical Morning w/ Baby Boo!

Hopefully you all feel a bit more normal now! :-)