It seems like just yesterday that I was holding my brand new 6 pound baby girl in my arms...
And it's hard to imagine that ONE year has flown by..and I no longer can cuddle with her unless she's asleep..
Now, she is all grown up. Talking non stop, using words like..."Ah..No!" and calling every moving animal, "Dog", but pronounced more in a British accent..Apparently in this past year she has also spent some time over seas.
And then today, as she paraded around church, disrupting the peace with her shiny pink toms and fluffy pink tutu, she started rubbing the older lady sitting next to us smooth shaven legs..up and down..Ooohing and Aaaahhing..
People were staring at me wondering if they had recently seen her on "Toddlers and Tiaras," as I fluffed her ruffles and fixed her abnormally large pink bow, all the while handing her a pink mini purse filled with rings and bracelets...
And I realized that as sad as I am to see her little self turn into this independent little Diva...I couldn't be happier, and more honored to be her Mama. And it was I who was LuCkY to have been given the most BEAUTIFUL, happiest, silliest, and spiciest daughter a Mama could ever ask for. I look forward to cherishing every moment in life with her.
And before you know it, we will both be parading around in Pink tutu's, large bows, and purses filled with diamonds..
Well..maybe only her. I'll be dressed in rags.
Haven't you ever seen Toddlers and Tiaras?
It gets expensive.
So here is to you Baby Boo..
I hope you enjoyed your 1st birthday that you won't remember, but Mama surely will..
But don't worry. I'll remind you every year :)
Vintage Circus Themed 1st Birthday
The Food:
On the menu we had An array of different salads; Green, Pasta, and Fruit. Then we had Chicken Kabobs with Teriyaki Dipping Sauce and Peanut Dipping Sauce, and PB& J sammy's for the kiddos :). We also had a ton of candy, cupcakes, cake ball cones, and a cotton candy machine..

The Decorations:
With the help of Grandmas, we had Banners, and signs painted with pinks and yellows, peanuts, and popcorn boxes, animals, and circus carts, and girly candles!

The Activities:
Although it was only a first birthday, we wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time, adults included. We had face painting, tattoos, cotton candy machine, balloons for kiddos, present opening (this was pure entertainment from Baby Boo) and then the best part..Baby Boo eating her B-day Cake.

Baby Boo needed some help :)

Overall it was a BeAuTiFuL party :) Great time with Great friends, family, yummy food..
and tons of food babies :)
Happy One Year Birthday Baby Boo!!
I love you!