My Imperfectly Perfect Life

I have to tell ya...Hitting the "NewPost" button on my blog felt SO weird and comforting at the same time. I've really missed opening my computer and sharing my love of health, with a little glimpse of my crazy beautiful life, and my overly dramatic personality... It's been too long my friends. Way too long.


Someone close to me recently told me that I portray myself having this perfect life in my posts/FB statuses/Instagram, but in reality my life isn't so. Like I've been fake...It was a little bit of an "ouch...really?" I feel like I've tried to be as real as Ican on social media and my blog post. I think I have done my best to share the good most definitely, but I also feel that I've been open with sharing some of the bad and the ugly. (We are entitled to some privacy right?) :)

I know that social media can be a place where we don't always show the reality of life, but I've always looked at this blog and my social media outlets as a place of positivity.  A place of comfort, strength, passion, common ground for others, and definitely a place of reality.

So that had me thinking, and since then I've been eager to share a little bit of reality of my well...Imperfectly Perfect life.


It's been about a month since I've been present here on The Diva Dish, and before that I was touch and go. Truth is my friends, we all have touch days/months/years. Times where it's like, "Ok, can I really take much more?!" Times where we think everything is falling apart and there is NO way we can pick ourselves.

This has been one of those years.


There has been a lot of loved ones lost this year, a lot of financial difficulties, relationships have been tried and tested between family members, friends, and my marriage. I've felt alone, lost, and even like a terrible mother and wife. I've seen loved ones struggle more than ever before, and I've been hurt by people who I respected and loved.


There is always a but!


I've also been blessed so much. I was able to get pregnant and continue to stay at home and raise my two baby girls. I've had many opportunities to see prayers answered by my loving Heavenly Father when I most needed them. I've learned the true value of friendship, and have seen many serve and sacrifice to help myself and my family out in many ways. I've learned that there is nothing better than a phone call of comfort from my mom or dad. And I have never felt closer to God than I do now...

I've become a lot stronger and so much more confident in myself than ever before, something which I've struggled with for a while. I know that I can do hard things, and I am doing the best I can to be a great mother, wife, friend, and woman.


Why am I sharing this?

Not just to say that my life isn't perfect, because I know that I've expressed that before.

What I really wanted to share was that life can be extremely difficult. We all go through things unimaginable, and no trial compares. It's easy to get wrapped up in other peoples lives, thinking that their grass is greener (or their house is cleaner!)

But even in times of darkness, there is light. I've learned this so much this year. Even if it's just a smile and an "I wove you!" from my two year old, or an "I'm so happy mom!" from my 4 year old. There IS light. Some days there will be more than others...But I know that we are strong, we are loved, and that no one is living a fairy tale.

More of like a broadway show, ya know :)!


There will be multiple days of messy houses, laundry piles for DAYS, tantrums, toys on the floor, (and even some food!) And there will be nights where we order a pizza and eat three slices with ranch dressing and not feel bad about it..(And then have a bowl of rice krispies later that night!)


And then there will be times where our world is turned upside down. Times where we fall and we don't really want to get up, and we need help.

It's so important to love others because we really don't know what burdens others are carrying. Look for opportunities to serve and love others...


And look for times where there is a little (or a lot) of light...


I love you my friends and I'm grateful you have stuck with me this far during this year. I love this blog and I love all those who have supported me! Please know that despite the challenges this year has brought, we are doing GOOD! We are so blessed in more ways than we can count!

I'm so happy it's the Holiday season! I can't wait to eat more pumpkin and have hot chocolate by a sparkly christmas tree! With a large pile of laundry next to me of coarse :)!