That time I had to find another juice bar.

Have you ever felt out of place? Like you just didn't belong and everyone is staring at you? That was me today at a juice place.

cutest baby ever via the diva dish
cutest baby ever via the diva dish

You see, I once again caught one of my kids sickness, because us parents are basically vacuums to their germs right? So I needed a juice, and I needed something to kick this cold! I put on some black leggings with paint stains on the butt along and my husband's sweatshirt and threw the kids in the car. They were in their current state mind you, which was one being pant-less, and the other having bed head mess.

(Have you ever seen those Hot Mess Mom videos? Yea that's me.)

We walked into the juice bar, which I quickly noticed was filled with young beautiful people. Many were dressed in workout gear having healthy lunches with friends, as they laughed about their responsibilities. Others had butt cheeks and booty shorts with tan legs and dogs in their purses.

And in comes me. Hot Mess.

cutest kid ever via the diva dish
cutest kid ever via the diva dish

Now, if you haven't met my third child, weh heell hellllll. Let me tell you about her. She's kind of in this phase right now where she screams really loud. It sounds like Mariah Carey/dying cat/squeeling pig. It's SO LOUD and makes your ears ring. She does it when she wants something, so obviously since I can't figure out what "AHHHHEEEEEEEEE" means, it happens frequently.

Often times when we are in public I hear a lot of, "oh my gosh's" and "wows!" The lady at target even put her delicate fingers to her ear and squinted her eyes because it's so loud.

Immediately after arriving at the juice bar, the shrills began. I tried my best to distract her but, "Look at the dog! Look at her legs!" just wasn't enough...

Everyone kept looking at me like they never wanted my life. Meanwhile, the lady making my juice was taking FOR-EV-ER. People were turning around in the chairs, cranking their necks, and probably pulling out their iPhones. I'm sure I am on youtube, just google 'Hot Mess Mom at Juice Bar.'

Eventually the juice was ready, and as I tried to pay/wrestle the screaming baby in my arms, the cashier said, "Awe, she's so cute."

You guys. I didn't even make eye contact. Was she NUTS?! Cute?! Give me my dang juice, no tip for you! Obviously she was nice, obviously my patience was well, gone. Obviously, I'm never going back. hahah.


Later that day as I rocked her to sleep, she lifted her sweaty head and stared at me with her BIG blue eyes and babbled something right to me. I'm assuming it was her way of saying how much she loves me, or maybe it was about Mickey Mouse. Either way,  it's not always easy. Yet so quickly I am reminded why I love them so garsh dang much. I may not have it all together, but I know raising these strong willed girls is the greatest gift. For them, and for me.

Even if I have to find another juice bar.