Tomorrow is my birthday...
I think.
You see, at this moment I'm lost and confused as to the day, time, my name, when the last time I washed my hair, If I ate breakfast this morning, and what load of laundry I am on..I think it's number 6.
To say my life is organized and completely under control is like saying I'm 6 ft. tall with blond hair, voluptuous lady lumps, and a great sense of style..
And if you didn't get that last part, I'm 5'3" with brown hair, no lady lumps but one huge hump, and I've seriously considered hiring a personal stylist.
And then today...
I've locked myself in the garage 2 times, and almost a 3rd.
. The first time was a close one, and Baby Boo was sleeping. Luckily for me I caught myself before I did. The second time I officially locked Baby Boo and I in the garage for a good hour until hubby got home, so we entertained out selves with the water hose...
And the third time, hubby was home and I again managed to lock myself in, so I banged on the door so loud that China could hear me..Except my hubby. Sports center was on..And men can only focus on one thing at a time..At least that's what my mom always taught me.
Then to top it off I stepped in gum earlier in the day, and judging by it's size, it was chewed by Godzilla.
And without noticing, I got in my car, starting driving, only to find my foot sticking to the peddles...Due to the Gum.
And I won't lie, I'm a little worried to scrape it off in fear of catching rabies or something like that..
(Have I ever mentioned how dramatic I can be?)
And now that I am sitting here, really praying for a hot warm bath, I can't help but look forward to tomorrow. Because birthday's are special..
Birthday's mean spoiling..
And birthday's mean..
Taking Baths.
And eating everything that I want..All MY way :)
What I Ate Wednesday, BIRTHDAY addition..
MY WAY Taco Salad
Serves two
Goat Cheese
Roasted Pepita Seeds
Roasted Corn (Recipe Below)
Lentil "Taco Meat" (Recipe Below)
Cinnamony-Cumin Salad Dressing (Recipe Below)
(Roasted Corn)
1. Take an ear of corn and lightly coat with butter, 2 tsp. chopped garlic, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
2. Wrap corn in tin foil and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 min. Then undo the foil, and put back in the oven for another 15 minutes. When done, take a knife and cut down the sides of the corn to get the little corn off. Set aside.
(Lentil "Taco Meat")
1. Take 1 TB. Chopped Garlic, 1/2 C. Diced onion, and 2 TB. EVOO. Heat oil in pan, then add garlic and onion. Cook and stir for about 5 -7 minutes, or until a little golden. Lower heat to medium-low, then add 1 1/2 C. cooked lentils into pan with 1.5 TB. Taco Seasoning.
I made homemade seasoning, recipe from HERE.
2. Cook for an additional 5 or so minutes, add a sprinkle of salt and pepper, remove from heat, and set aside.

(Cinnamony-Cumin Salad Dressing)
recipe from: Eat Drink and Be Vegan
1/4 C. EVOO
2 TB apple cider vinegar
2 TB Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. salt
1. Blend all ingredients into a blender.
Salad Assembly
1. Start with the lettuce, avocado, corn, tomato, goat cheese, pumpkin seeds and Lentil Meat.
2. Drizzle with dressing.
This Taco Salad was made MY way, but obviously you could do it YOUR way. Add what ever toppings you desire, such as sour cream, cilantro, chips, Peanut Butter (i dunno)..etc

I also paired this salad with Butternut squash seasoned with cinnamon and cilantro.
Now, if you will excuse me, I am off to eating my weight in watermelon.
and a slice of Chocolate Cake at every meal.
That is unless...
I get stuck in the garage again..