Maple Sage Glazed Carrots with Maple Toasted Pistachios

We spent the majority of today in the kitchen.

While I poured, mixed, rolled, kneading, chopped, sauteed, and cleaned...



Baby Boo was either attached to my hip or at my feet begging for a taste.

I LOVE that she enjoys being in the kitchen with me. She loves to throw things into the mixing bowl or blender, and loves to cook her own special meals.

I'm pretty sure her ideal meal would have chocolate, cottage cheese, berries, and avocados...



Today was a special day because, not only are we getting ready for Thanksgiving, but I had the opportunity to work with an amazing company and their delicious food!



Grimmway Farms sent me a coupon to receive a free bag of their ever so delicious carrots!


Grimmway Farms is a family owned and operated business located in California. Their philosophy is:

Provide Good Value

Honest Pricing

Conduct Business with Integrity

AND, let's not forget they received the Chef's Best 2011 BEST Taste Award!

The first thing Baby Boo and I did was dig in! We love carrots at our house. They are the perfect little snack, perfect match for hummus, puree amazingly for baby food, and when they are cold they help our teething lil' chickpea.

Baby Boo was pretty excited. Perfect time to bust a move.



I don't know what's sexier, the random drool stain down her shirt, or that fierce look in her eyes...





I decided to make a side dish for Thanksgiving with the carrots, that way everybody could indulge on these delicious baby carrot bad boys...



But I think I am going to have to double the recipe to feed everybody...( 4 carrots for me, one carrot for you...6 carrots for me, two carrots for you...)

Either way, my family is going to be grateful they invited me to dinner. :-)



Maple Sage Glazed Carrots with Maple Toasted Pistachios

Ingredients:(for carrots)

1 16 os. bag Grimmway Farms Baby Carrots

2 TB. fresh chopped sage (divided into TB.)

1 medium shallot diced

4 cloves garlic diced

2 TB. 100% Pure Maple syrup

1 TB. olive oil

sprinkle of nutmeg

salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients: (for pistachios)

1/4 c. chopped pistachios

1 tsp. maple syrup


1. In a (high-medium) heated saucepan (that contains a lid), add your olive oil. Heat for a quick second then throw in your diced shallot and garlic. Cook for a few minutes, stirring every so often. You want the shallots and garlic to be caramelized and golden brown looking. (3-5 min.)

2. Next throw in your carrots, maple syrup, 1 TB.  sage, and spices. Stir until coated and turn down heat to med-low. Put lid on top of saucepan, and let carrots cook about 25-30 minutes or until soft. Toss and stir carrots every so often.

3. Now prepare your pistachios. In a separate heated sauce pan, spray with cooking spray and add pistachios. Toast pistachios on medium heat for about a minute, then add maple syrup. Continue to stir and coat pistachios, all the while keeping the maple syrup from burning. Cook for about 1-2 more minutes, or until the pistachios aren't 'wet' with syrup. Transfer nuts to a separate bowl and set aside.

4. Once carrots are done, put on serving platter and top with remaining 1 TB. sage and chopped pistachios. Serve warm.

*This recipe only makes 2 c. worth, so if your making this for a big crowd be sure and double/triple the recipe.*



This just screams Thanksgiving dinner...and Sunday dinner...and Christmas..and Hanukkah...and Ground Hog Day!



Or if your like me, I enjoy eating them on the couch, watching trashy reality TV, and listening to Baby Boo snore away for nap time.

Shhhh, don't worry. It will be our little secret. :-)

Thanks again Grimmway Farms for giving me the opportunity to try your amazing product!!

* I was not paid to write this post. To learn more about Grimmway Farms and their awesome company, check out their website at**

All about Green Drinks 101

**Update:  I have had a lot of questions regarding the type of blender I use to make green smoothies. I've always used a Vitamix. Click HERE to see the Vitamix. If that one is too pricey, I've also successfully used my Magic Bullet Blender for years, link HERE ."** (affiliate links)


The thought of eating vegetables can be gag-worthy to some...

But the idea of DRINKING your vegetables can sound just down right repulsive.



If you would have asked me 5 years ago to drink a green smoothie I would have laughed in your face than had nightmares for 6 months after that. They are down right scary.

Oddly enough, not only do I now eat my veggies, but I drink tons of them too. Trust me. I gots me lots a friends....(And good Engrish too...)



And if somebody asked me what is ONE thing they could do differently to adapt a healthier eating lifestyle, I would beg them to drink a green smoothie everyday. It's the one thing that I believe can have a major impact on your diet and change the way you feel.

But what exactly are the benefits of drinking green?

Improved digestive system

Better energy

Opportunity to give your body nutrients it most likely wouldn't receive on a regular basis

Being able to eat raw veggies(w/o a cup of ranch dressing on the side.)

-Weight loss

-Fight off sickness

-Sleep improvement

-Rid your body of toxins

-Essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals

-Helps your kids (and hubby's!) get their veggies

-Fast to make AND healthy!

The list goes on and on....



But sometimes the benefits are not enough to convince somebody to drink green. Sure it's good for you, but is it really worth stomaching something that can taste so freak nastay?

That's where your wrong my friends...Because I am here to tell you I have never tried a green drink I didn't like.(And trust me...I've had my fair share of green drink varieties.) With the right ingredients, knowledge, and helpful perks, green drinks can taste more like a regular smoothie(even a dessert one) without even noticing the hint of any vegetables!



First, let's start with the veggies:

Spinach is an obvious choice when it comes to drinking greens. It's a very mild tasting green, so a lot of people love to use it. On top of that, it's a familiar ingredient. People are scared of it, but not too scared since they know a little bit about it. I think spinach is a GREAT green to add in smoothies, but I think sometimes we get stuck in a rut of ONLY using spinach. There are SO many other veggies out there that have different types of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that our bodies need.



Here are my favorite veggies to use as of right now:


Kale (no stems, just leaves. Stems are stanky!)

Rainbow and Green Chard

Collard Greens

Dandelion Greens (Just a little, it can tend to me strong)

Mustard Greens (just a little, it kind of has a kick.)





Pumpkin Puree

*Remember to wash your greens to get rid of dirt and yucky stuff! (Yes, I said yucky. So professional.)



And to store greens properly, I just wash them, dry, and then put them in labeled zip lock bags with a paper towel.



Perfect for portioning sizes for smoothies and what not!



Next Step: Add your fruit!

Veggies aren't the only thing that you can add to your green drink. I especially love adding fruit!

Fruit is a great way to add a natural sweetness to your drink, giving it a 'smoothie' like taste, and hiding the taste of some of those veggies. Not too mention fruit is another great way to get in some extra goodness like antioxidants and fiber!

Here is some of my top fruits to add in smoothies. And fruit will do, it just depends on your liking. For more tropical flavors choose things like mangos, oranges, pineapples, etc...

Bananas (GREAT sweetener! Also does well hiding those veggies!)










Orange Juice (Fresh squeezed)






Next, give that smoothie some VA VA- VOOM!

Here is where you can go above and beyond a strawberry banana smoothie, and move onto a sweet almond cherry coconut bliss smoothie. The world is drink? That made no sense, but are you catching my drift? There are many little things we can add to our green drinks to give them that extra flair that will make them more desirable to drink. No one ever said no to a chocolate PB drink! And if they did, well then...I'm speechless. :-)

Here are some things to add to those green drinks to give them some extra OOMPH!

Nut Butters (Almond Butter, Peanut Butter, Walnut Butter, Sunflower Butter...etc. Great source of protein and healthy fats!)

Nuts (Don't have the butta', then just throw in a few nuts!)

Cocoa Powder (Chocolate...Heck yes!)

Carob Powder

Oatmeal (Bring on the hearty breakfast grains!)

Almond Extract

Vanilla Extract

Spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger)

Mint Leaves

Basil Leaves

Coconut Milk

Orange Juice (If you combine coconut milk and Oj, you get a creamsicle taste!)

Cocoa nibs

Dark chocolate chips

PB pong balls or Fudge Balls or S'more Balls

Apple Butter

Pumpkin Butter

Lemon, Lime




Don't forget those added bonus:

Every green drink needs those few added bonuses that will boost their nutrient value even more!

Here are my favorite little added bonuses:

Chia Seeds

Ground Flax seeds

Protein Powder (I love to use a plant based protein powder. My favorite brand is Sun Warrior!)

Choice of Liquid (whether it be non dairy milk, reg. milk, water, etc.)



Lastly if needed, add a sweetener.

I've gotten to the point where I don't usually need a sweetener, especially if I have loaded it with fruit. But the more stronger tasting veggies like beets, I tend to add a little bit to sweeten the drink to my liking.

Here are my favorite go-to natural sweeteners:

100% Pure Maple Syrup

Agave Nectar

Raw Honey





So where to begin?

Start simple. Add ingredients you are familiar with, and slowly each time add in different things to get used to. You will adjust smoothies to your taste buds preferences, and in time find what is right for you!

Here are a few recipes to get you started!



 Beginners Green Drink

1 C. non diary milk

2 C. spinach

1 frozen banana

1 TB. Chia Seeds

1 tsp. Sweetener of choice

1tsp. vanilla


Optional: Peanut Butter



 Tropical Cream Green Drink

1/2 C. fresh OJ

1/2 C.-1 C. coconut milk

1 C. spinach

1 C. kale

1 frozen banana

1/2 c. frozen pineapple, mango, or peaches

1 tsp. vanilla

2 TB. coconut flakes




Red Velvet Smoothie

1 C. non dairy milk

1 medium beet peeled, steamed, and chopped

1/3 c. frozen raspberries, cherries, or strawberries

1 frozen banana

4 TB. cocoa powder

4 pitted dates

1 TB. chia seeds

2 tsp. sweetener of choice

1 tsp. vanilla



Green Smoothies are great for breakfast! Baby Boo has one pretty much every morning, it's her favorite thing to have!

Here is a typical smoothie for Boo. It's loaded with healthy fats, protein, greens, and tons of vitamins and minerals!!



Princess Bliss Avocado Green Smoothie

1 C. milk of choice (I used coconut-from a carton, not a can.)

1 frozen banana

1/2 frozen avocado

1/2 c. kale

1/4 c. oats

1/4 c. vanilla yogurt (soy or reg.)

1 TB. Chia seeds

1 TB. almond butter

1 tsp. vanilla

1 TB. maple syrup (Boo really doesn't need a sweetener because she can't tell the difference, but for older kids you could add a little more than 1 TB.)




Then this morning for breakfast the three of us split this smoothie:

My husband said it was the BEST smoothie he has ever had...And trust me, those words don't always come out of his mouth...


Chocolatey Chocolate Green Smoothie

1 c. milk of choice

handful spinach

handful kale

handful chard

1/4 c. dandelion greens (just the leaves)

1 frozen banana

handful frozen cherries

4 spoonfuls cocoa powder

2 TB. almond butter

1 TB. chia seeds

2 TB. agave nectar

2 c. ice



A lot of times I make more than enough smoothie, so I just freeze the extra in an ice cube tray and use them for another day! That way, when I am in a hurry I just throw some in a blender with some milk and voila!



Whew! That was a LONG post! Don't be afraid to try a green drink! If anything, you won't regret the way it will make you feel on a regular basis. :-)

For additional recipes, just go to my recipes tab underneath the header and click on green drinks!

Have a great day!! :-)

Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad AND Everything Green Smoothie

**Editors Note: This post was written in 2011, and the recipes in this post are the most popular recipes on my website! I deleted a lot of the old text to update this page, but if you scroll down you will find the recipes!

Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad


  • 1/2 c. dry quinoa

  • 1 1/2 c. vegetable broth

  • (OR 1 c. prepared/cooked quinoa)

  • 1 c. garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

  • 1 c. cherry tomatoes, halved

  • 1/4 diced onions

  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped

  • 2 avocados, diced

  • 1 bunch cilantro, bottom stems cut off

  • 2 c. spinach

  • (dressing)

  • 2 tsp. dijon mustard or plain mustard

  • zest of 1 lemon

  • Juice of 1 juicy lemon, or two not so juicy lemons :)

  • 2 tsp. olive oil

  • 1 tsp. honey

  • 1/2 tsp. cumin

  • salt and pepper


  1. Prepare quinoa by adding quinoa and broth to a pot. Cook on medium/high until it begins to boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes until quinoa has cooked fully.

  2. Once the quinoa is cooked, set it aside to cool.

  3. In a food processor, add cilantro and spinach. Process the greens until they are chopped up finely.

  4. In a bowl, add the chickpeas, chopped greens, tomatoes, avocado, onion, garlic, and cooled quinoa.

  5. In a bowl, whisk the dressing ingredients together. Pour over the salad. Mix it together.

  6. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Let sit in the fridge until ready to eat! Enjoy!

Everything Green Smoothie



*This smoothie makes quite a bit and could easily serve two adults. Unless your like me and can eat for two, then you could drink it all on it's own. It could also serve 2-3 kids, one mama and 2 children...etc.. :-)


  • 1 c. non dairy milk, more if needed for thinning out smoothie

  • handful of fresh spinach

  • handful of fresh kale, no stems

  • handful of swiss chard

  • 2 green apple, cold and cit into slices/core removed

  • 1/2 medium cold cucumber

  • 1 frozen banana, sliced

  • 1 TB. chia seeds

  • sweetener of choice, stevia is what I used/honey works well too (1-2 tsp.)

  • 1 1/2 c. ice


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until creamy. Drink immediately. Enjoy!


Sweet n' Salty Chocolate Covered Pumpkin Seeds

I just love this time of the year, who doesn't?!

Despite Halloween being a 'Blah' holiday for me/the excuse for girls to dress like slores, I would much rather bypass and enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I know that I've got to start making this holiday special for Baby Boo!

Last year, Baby Boo was only 3 months, but that didn't stop me from dressing her up!



Look how small she is!!



Aweeee... :(

Now we are only a few days from Halloween, and I have yet to decide what Boo is gonna be for Halloween.

We tossed around the idea of the cast of Yo Gabba Gabba...But I just couldn't get the hubs to put on an orange jumpsuit and be DJ Lance.

I suggested homeless bums, since we basically can't afford the 40 dollar costumes at target...

But Hubby didn't want to get dirty...

(Can we all say, sissy la la?)

Despite costumes being so fudge popsicle expensive, it didn't stop me from buying a $9 halloween candy basket at Target for Baby Boo!



Target is like the everything store version of Whole Foods...

I shouldn't be allowed to shop there. I just end up spending more than I need, hiding things in Baby Boo's closet, and secretly hoping the hubs doesn't notice my new jacket, shoes, top, and purse....

But despite the expensive baskets, I was looking forward to taking Baby Boo the the pumpkin patch this year, carving pumpkins, and eating pumpkin seeds.



And to top it off, Baby Boo can now sport the pigtail look!

I swear, the day I can curl her hair, will be the happiest day of my life! :-)





The petting zoo was Baby Boo's favorite...

I stood back and took pictures with my zoom lens. I love animals, but have a slight fear of them too...Something about a childhood experience involving a goat...







Those cute ugly fur balls are baby chickies.

I wanted to sneak one in my purse, but then I decided there was NO way I could hide THAT from Hubby...



The tractor ride was my favorite, but it wasn't Boo's...

And it probably wasn't anyone else favorite ride, for those that were in the cars behind us.



Baby Boo has never been one to like sitting in one place...

That includes staying on a single bushel of hay.





But if tractor rides didn't do it for her, than not being able to pick up a 10 pound pumpkin sure did...

You don't want to know what happened next.


You don't.



Later that night we carved pumpkins with the hubby.





We all had our different jobs...



Some jobs were a little more disgusting than others...



But, my job I believe was the most important of all...



You can't carve pumpkins without roasting pumpkin seeds.

And, now I am going to add to that statement.



You can't roast pumpkin seeds, without covering them in chocolate afterwards...



Sweet n' Salty Chocolate Covered Pumpkin Seeds


Pumpkin Seeds( we had about 2 cups worth)

Salt and Pepper or Seasoning Salt

Non Dairy chocolate (about 1/2 C. per 2 c. pumpkin seeds)


1. Preheat oven to 350. Wash and dry pumpkin seeds, then spread on coated(with baking sheet or parchment paper) baking sheet. Sprinkle salt and pepper, or some seasoning salt through out, and toss to coat.

2. Bake for 30 or so minutes (depends on how many pumpkin seeds you have. More time for more seeds.)

3. When done, let cool.

4. Melt chocolate in a microwave safe bowl, and once melted add pumpkin seeds to the bowl.

5. Toss pumpkin seeds in chocolate until coated.

6. Spread seeds onto covered baking sheet (with mat or parchment paper) and set in fridge for a few minutes, or until set.



These are dangerous.

Like, you will eat these in one sitting of Beverly Hills Housewives...

And then regret you did it.



Then you will want more.

Happy Pumpkin Seed Making!

4 Minute Microwave Green Breakfast Muffin

New!! If you notice, I have a new menu!! It's a Recipe Menu! I haven't got all of the recipes loaded up, but I figured you could check out what I have so far!

Also, there is a tutorials menu as well, for random tutorials! Check that out as well!!


Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I think about is food.



Actually, I lied, first it's, "Baby Boo, why are we getting up SO flippin' early?!!"...

And THEN I think about food.

I open the fridge.

Then I open the cupboard.

And then I become overwhelmed. There are so many options, and I want to have a little of everything. A breakfast buffet if you will.

I want toast, and eggs, and pancakes, and fresh juice, and fruit, and green drinks, and muffins, and PB, and chocolate...

"Lay off me I'm starving!!"

But, I usually, almost always have a green smoothie.

I know it's boring, but as much as I would love to whip up my dream breakfast buffet, I have about a 5-10 minute window to make something and then be on Mommy duty. I have to save "special" breakfast for day's like Mother's Day and Birthdays.

I know. Lucky Right.

But sometimes there are more important things to do, like play with your daughters hair.



I know that little rat tail may mean nothing to you, but when your daughter has been bald for 11 months, this is a big deal.



I'm already thinking about curling irons, and braids, and pony's and buns, and bows and bobby pins..

Simple pleasures, you know?

Too bad I don't put that much effort into my hair.



Or my appearance for that matter. time for breakfast buffet!

So what's a Starvin' Marvin' supposed to do when a whippity quick Green drink ain't what you cravin'? (Where on earth did that slang come from?



5 Minute Green Muffin (Microwave)

Adapted from the ever so intelligent: Stuft Mama


1 egg

2 TB Coconut Milk(or other)

1 TB. Vanilla

1 C. Spinach

1 Banana

1/3 C. Frozen Peaches

2 TB. Coconut Flour

2 TB. Coconut Finely Shredded

1 TB. Chia Seeds

2 TB. Oats

1/2 tsp. Baking Powder


1. Easy Peasy. Blend egg, milk, spinach, peaches, and vanilla in a blender.



Make sure it's nice and blended :)



2. Next mix your dry ingredients in a bowl, once combined add your wet ingredients.



3. Then, take a regular coffee/cocoa mug and spray with cooking spray. Pour your batter in the mug. Make sure it's a big enough mug.



Or, if your like me and drop it all over the floor, your mug can be teeny tiny since most of the batter is now trash :)



4. Next step/Favorite Step. Place mug in microwave. Turn on microwave for 4 MINUTES!

5. It's done. Plop on plate.



6. Dress it up and Make it Perty.



I topped mine with Sunflower Butter, Coconut, Raspberries, and Blueberries.

Oh..and if you have never had sunflower butter (ground sunflower seeds)..You MUST! I it..more than...Peanut Butter..



(These also make for GREAT kids breakfast/snacks as well!!)

Ok, so I may be one of the few who dreams of stuffing my face from the moment I open my eyes, but I promise you, I am doing my body a favor.

Did you know??

Eating a healthy and well balanced breakfast in the morning:

-Helps boost your metabolism, thus helping you loose your jiggly bum bum.

-Gives you the energy to start your day, avoiding fatigue-ness by lunch.

-Less likely to crave 'unnhealthy' foods to snack on to curb those hunger pains.

-Helps you think and focus better.

All pretty important I think.

Especially the part about fatigue-ness.



I MuSt have enough energy to keep up with this little one...


Is it morning yet?? I'm starving!!

Pumkpin Chai Chia Pudding with Cinnamon Raspberry "Ice Cream"

Glass is half empty..Not half full..

When it rains..It freaking pours.

Not just raining on my parade, but snowing, windy, tornado-ing on my freaking parade.


Blah Blah Blah ain't gonna happen unless a Fat Lady is singing her great big heart out..

I'm a drama queen.

Laugh all you want, but if there is a scratch on my shin you bet your little hiney I'm wining to my Mama telling her how I will never ever ever be able to wear shorts again, and most likely should never leave the house until that scratch is gone.

Is that a true story?

I dunno, I'm kind of an exaggerator too.

So you see, yesterday I set out to bake brownies. ME of all people should be able to bake brownies.

But then, I got a little crazy and started throwing in random ingredients that most brownies don't have,(but, I think should) and the end result came out okay...

BUT Hot Dang All Mighty they sure didn't taste like a brownie.

So of coarse I cried, not over spilled milk, but cruddy brownies, and swore to everyone who could hear me that I would never ever ever cook again...

Unless a fat lady was singing.

And as I dramatized the whole scenario for my Hubby when he got home, he in no way humored my dramatic rant and instead told me ,"Honey, why don't you try and look at the positive things in life..instead of all the negatives."


Why are husbands always right??

(SHH DO NOT tell him I said that.)

How can I sit here and complain about poopy brownies, when I am so incredibly blessed to have the things that I have?

Slap again.

SO I quickly gathered what pride was left of me, and told my Hubby in return for is words of genius-ness I was going to make him the best afternoon snack he had ever had.

Fat lady singing or not...

Chai Chia Pudding with Cinnamon Raspberry "Ice Cream"

*For the Pudding*

1/2 C. Pumpkin Puree

1/2 C. Non Dairy Milk

2 TB Chia Seeds

1 scoop Vanilla Chai(or reg. Vanilla) Protein Powder

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1/4 tsp. Nutmeg

1/4 tsp. Ginger

1/4 tsp. Allspice

*For the "Ice Cream"*

1 Frozen Banana

1/3 C. Frozen Raspberries

1 C. Spinach

2 TB. Non Dairy Milk

1 tsp. Cinnamon


1. Mix all ingredients for the pudding in a bowl until combined then set in fridge.

2. Blend "Ice Cream" ingredients into food processor until creamy. Remove Pudding from fridge, and get a tall glass/bowl.

3. Layer Pudding and Ice Cream until all are gone. Sprinkle with coconut if desired.

I prayed that this would make up for my little "episode" earlier..

And Luckily For me...

It did.

Phyllo Butternut Squash Pockets

I wouldn't necessarily say I am thrifty.

In fact, I am the complete opposite...Unless of coarse Hubby is asking me, then I am very frugal, and always shop in the bargain/clearance section.

Ya right.

I wish I could say I could walk into a thrift store and find something worth buying, but..


And Probably the most thrify-ish shopping you will find me doing is at Ross or Marshalls.

But since I have been married, and Hubby has been in grad school, you can only imaging we are far from high-rollers. And even though Hubby would bet his life savings that I have it in my mind we are Bazillionaires, I am learning, key word, that I need to be better at how I spend my money.

Especially on groceries. Let's just say, if one looked at my grocery bill, then you could assume I was feeding a family of 5. yikes. AND, one might also assume, since I am really only feeding a family of 2 1/2, that by the cost of my purchases, we must be hefty eaters.

Not true. Well, hefty eaters, I dunno, I food.

So where did it all go wrong? For some time now, I have really focused on my spending, and why I would end up spending so much on groceries. I thought, maybe I should share some tips on what not to do when buying groceries, because like I said, I am still learning on what to do.

The DEFINITELY DO NOTS of Grocery Shopping

1. Don't buy EVERYTHING organic.-I assumed that because it was organic, it was better for you. And although this is definitely the case in some regards, it is not the case in others. Here is how it goes: When buying organic fruits and veggies, follow the rules of the Dirty Dozen. ONLY the items on the dirty dozen list is best to be purchased organic. Items like pineapples and avocados don't. And trust me, the price of an organic avocado to a non organic one is a great difference. I also always buy dairy and meat for my Hubby organic. No questions asked. That will not change.

2. Don't buy everything you see.-I am like this in the grocery store: "I'll take that, and that, and that, and that. Oh wait, how much is it? OK here is my leg and my arm to cover the bill.."

I have learned that going with a list is crucial. At the beginning of the week I have written everything down that I want to make and want to have in the house. That way I go with a plan, instead of using my head/stomach to decide for me.

3. Don't get sucked into labels. -I will buy something if it says "Buy me, I am Delicious!", but for others, things like low fat, no sugar, healthy, brand new, yadda yadda can grab your attention. Research products out before spending a hefty penny on something they say is worth it.

4. Don't Covet-Being a blogger, I read tons of other blogs and get SUCKED into wanting to make what they posted RIGHT.THAT.VERY.SECOND. Alot of ingredients are unheard of, have to be ordered on line, and are pretty darn expensive. RESEARCH! I am not even going to mention some of the ingredients I have in my household that I purchased that I have NO idea what to do with them. Research recipes, research what the ingredients are for and their benefits.

5. Don't always shop at natural food stores. -There is this certain store by where I live that I call hell. If I walk in there, I am gonna get hell for it when I get home :) kidding, but I really have a hard time not spending Baby Boo's college fund in there. Certain things I agree are necessary, but not everything. AND a lot of times, the natural food grocers jack up their prices JUST because they can. Rude I know. Smart, but rude.

I hope some of these tips help you like they have been helping me...and my wallet.

And my relationship :)

But buying cheap only does so much for the Hubby. It's the delicious dinners that really win him over..

What a sucker..

Squash Pockets



1/4 large onion diced


2 TB chopped garlic

1 cup spinach

1/2 cup chopped artichoke

2 cups diced butternut squash( i used precooked frozen butternut squash)-

1/4 cup diced walnuts

1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

salt and pepper

Thawed Phyllo dough


1. In a heated pan, add EVOO, onion, and garlic and cook 4-5 minutes on med-low heat until they begin to caramelize. Stir Frequently. Then add spinach and stir every so often until spinach begins to wilt, about 3 minutes. Then add artichokes & squash and stir until combined. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and let cook about 6-7 minutes med heat. Stir frequently. Then add in walnuts. Season with more S & P to taste.

2. Prepare phyllo dough according to packages. I cut mine in half.

3. Place a couple spoon fulls of filling at the top of one side of the phyllo dough and add a few crumbles of goat cheese.

4. Fold Phyllo dough all the way down. I folded mine like you were folding up a flag.

5. Repeat steps until all the filling is used. I stuffed my pockets pretty full, so I only got about 5 or 6 pockets, so it all depends on the size. You can fold your pockets any way your want. There isn't a right way. Maybe there is, I just don't know about it :)

6. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 30-35 minutes, or until phyllo becomes golden brown.

I had never worked with phyllo dough until this. I have NO idea why I waited so long!?

Every crispy bite made me want to run out an buy more phyllo dough and make more!! hha

See what I mean. Impulse buyer anyone??

I hope Baby Boo doesn't turn out like me with the whole spending regards thing,

Because I don't know how many more arms and legs I can sell before I run out...

Grilled Lemony Dill Veggie Sandwhich

Dear Brain-

Where are you?

How come you always seem to disappear, especially when I need you the most?

How come you can't be there to remind me to turn off the hose on our sink...

Baby Boo's face is a perfect target..

Oh, and I'm really sick of the Wet T-Shirt games.

(You don't remind me about the hose, but you sure don't have a problem reminding me wet t-shirt contest are NOT for me)

Oh, and brain, while I have your attention, can you please remind me why I am so clumsy?

Because each time I spill formula, I am slowly saying goodbye to Baby Boo's college fund.

Bye Bye Harvard...

Hello Community College.

Oh, and one more question brain..

How come you never remind me to buy Dill?

Because Dill is delicious, and for some reason I always forget.

But not this time. I think I will clearly remember!


Grilled Lemony Dill Veggie Sandwhich


1 cup of assorted veggies in slices (I used eggplant, zucchini and tomato)

1 TB chopped fresh dill

zest of half a lemon

juice of half a lemon

1 TB Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper


1. Gather sliced veggies and put them in a medium bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and toss until everything is coated. Let marinade for 10 minutes.

Then grill veggies, 3-5 minutes on both sides.

2. Prepare sand which.

Add some Hummus and Goat Cheese:

And then some avocado and spinach:

Then assemble your veggies.

Pile those babies high!

And then if you want, sprinkle with some parsley.

Then smoosh the sand which together, like they smoosh in Jersey Shore..

If you want a light and refreshing lunch that feels like summer..

Then grab your Lawn Chair, Pina Colada, and this Sammy...

OH Wait!

Hey Brain?

Can you remember to bring the sunscreen?

K thanks, your a doll!

Hearty Whole Grain Basil Bread

I have always had a slight obsession with bread.



I think it stemmed from my early years...We would go to my grandmas and she would always have a fresh sour dough, or french loaf sitting on her counter.

It made me salivate every time I saw it.

And then I ate it. Alot of it.

I could pack a whole "loaf" or, shall we say yard stick, of that french bread sitting on the counter. Nothing could stop me.

You want to know what's gross?

I would dip my bread in whole milk. White bread dipped in whole milk.

Doesn't that make you hungry? No? Well then maybe this will..



You see, for birthdays, we always got to go to our favorite restaurants. I, every year, chose olive garden, and you can bet it wasn't for the all you can eat salad..It was for the all you can eat breadsticks. And trust me, I ate all that I could eat.

Of coarse, NOW I have learned some self control, but I still drool when I walk past bakeries, and gaze at fresh baked breads through the window. Sure I could have a slice...But I want the whole loaf. Just me, my loaf, some Real Housewives of O.C., and a big glass of milk soy milk.

A girl can dream right.

But I can assure you that I definitely don't deprive. It may not be a loaf, but it isn't a slice fit for a Baby Boo either. And although sourdough bread will always have a special place in my heart, I have grown to love whole grains.



It makes me happy to know that I can enjoy one of my favorite foods while still getting a lot of nutrients for my body. Nothing over processed and nothing bleached, it's just pure and natural grains.

And sure I can buy any kind of loaf like that at the grocery store, but there is something much tastier about fresh bread coming straight out of your oven. Your in control of what goes into it, including the bread and your body. Also not to mention, hot & steamy out of the oven...

Oh, sorry wrong picture,

Hot and steamy out of the oven...


Heart Whole Grain Basil Bread

adapted from MarthaStewart

Two 1/4 ounce envelopes active dry yeast

2 1/4 cups warm water (110 deg)

2 tsp. honey

3 TB. 100% pure maple syrup

4 TB unsalted butter (melted)

3 cups whole wheat pastry four

1 cup whole grain all purpose baking flour (or could sub more whole wheat pastry flour)

2 cups unbleached all purpose flour

4 tsp. coarse salt

1 cup fresh chopped basil (large chunks)

1/3 cup millit

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/4 cup flax seeds

1 TB chia seeds

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

1/4 cup sesame seeds

1 egg white


1. Soak millet in 1/2 cup warm water for 20 minutes, set aside. In a separate bowl add 1/2 cup warm water and sprinkle yeast in. Add 2 tsp. of honey and whisk together until combined. Set aside for 10 minutes, or until foamy/frothy. Yeast should look like so:

2. In a separate bowl add flours and salt and whisk together. Once yeast is ready, pour yeast into a mixing bowl fitted with dough hook. Add melted butter, 1 1/2 cups warm water, and 3 TB maple syrup. Mix until combined. Then add 3 cups of flour mix. Mix on low speed until smooth. Then add in millet (plus water in bowl), and the rest of the seeds/oats, and basil.

Mix at low speed until combined. Then add remaining flour until dough is combined and somewhat smooth.

3. On a floured surface kneed dough for about 5 minutes until a smooth ball forms,like so:

Place dough in greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise for an hour or so. (I did about 1 1/2 hours)

4. When dough has risen, punch it in the face,

Show it whose boss, and then divide dough into about 6 or 7 balls. Form balls and place on cookie sheet fitted with a cooking mat.

5. Take your egg white, and add a little water, and brush the tops of the dough balls. Then cover baking sheet with plastic and let dough sit for about another 1 1/2 hours.

Let those bad boys rise!

6. Pre heat oven to 400 degrees, and when the dough is ready, bake for about 22-25 minutes, rotating pan halfway through.

7. Try not to pass out of excitement due to the most amazing smell that will fill your house!

Pull out of the oven...and smile!

(Don't forget to brush with more butter straight out of the oven :})

I always get so nervous when it comes to baking bread. My first fear is that it wont rise, and my second is that it will be too hard...

Well my friends, it was perfect.

The first thing I did was cut it open. I didn't even wait for it to cool, hence the third degree burns on my finger...and tongue.

But so worth it. I love the grains and seeds that I get in each bite, with a hint of sweet basil. It's a beautiful combination.


It didn't stop.

I wanted more, but I couldn't just grab the loaf and eat away like it was an apple.

I mean I could have...But I'm raising a daughter..And I think she is too young to learn her MaMa is crazy.

So I just had to make a "meal" out of it.

Goat cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and Bitchin' Sauce...



Have you ever wanted to make out with your food?

Sweet Baby Bread Loaves!

Good thing I have learned some self control..

Because if not..

There was about to be an all you can eat bread loaves...

Pass the milk!

S'mores Protein Balls and A Healthy S'mores Milkshake

I started a Twitter account! I am not sure how to set the icon on my page yet, but if you want to follow me, you can go HERE.


I hate camping.

And I know your thinking that it's probably because I am a pretty pretty princess that doesn't like to get dirt underneath my nails.

So true.

But I also have been traumatized, thus the main reason why you won't find me in the woods, pitchin' a tent, eatin' beef jerky..

You see when I was of the ages 12-18 my mother so kindly forced me to attend church girls camp. Now, let me say, before I had ever attended, at the age of 12, I was BEYOND excited to go. I loved the idea of hanging out with my gal pals for a week, talking boys, hiking, and playing games.

Truth be told, I don't think I really knew what camping really was.

You see, there were no "tents" my first year of girls camp. No "mattresses," not even ones full with air. There were no showers, or toilets that involved flushing, and there definitely wasn't running water to wash our faces or brush our teeth.

(Water bottles are very versatile my friends.)

Frostbite was in the corner of my mind as I tried to fall asleep everynight, but that didn't seem to bother me as much as the bats that came screaming into our tent through out the night, probably chasing the mice that ran across our floor. Do bats eat mice? I dunno, but I am pretty sure they like moths. Moths the size of Baby Boo's head.

And just because I am deathly afraid of creepy crawlers, and flying freak shows, doesn't mean I forgot about the wardrobe. Each group was given a color to go along with, and some how my group always got stuck with the colors of pee pee & poo poo, while other girls who were sans acne and beautiful even though they hadn't showered in days, got lucky enough to wear the pinks, and greens. I guess it didn't bother me too much that I was blending in with dirt and bear droppings, because I was just so grateful boys weren't allowed at camp.

But I don't think that frostbite, dirty faces, and poop were all that bad, until I had my first camp breakfast "meal." Eggs and red jello definitely don't sit right when you have to complete your first 5 mile hike an hour later. Trust me folks, even a continental breakfast from the Holiday Inn with packaged muffins, and fake eggs would have tasted ALOT better. But I seemed to even let THAT pass, as I thought about campfire Smore's.

Smore's are my favorite. I didn't care how many horrible camp songs I had to sit through, as long as I was eating a burnt marshmallow off a wire hanger, keep on singing "NOAH HE BUILT AN ARKY ARKY" in my ear, because I am at peace with my smore's.

And some how, I think, If they would have just had more SmoRe'S...

I probably wouldn't be as traumatized.

Smore Schmalls


3/4 cup cashews

2 grahm crackers (minus high fructose corn syrup)

5 chopped dates

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/3-1/2 cup marshmallows

2 heaping TB chocolate chips


1. Using a food processor, process cashews till fine crumbs. Then add crackers until fine crumbs.

2. Next process dates into mixture, until dates become finely chopped. Then add vanilla and marshmallows. Process until mixture becomes somewhat "wet" and thicker crumbles appear. Then process chocolate chips until they seem to have been chopped up.

Mixture should look like so when done:

You want it chunky and crumbly, but when you mush mixture together, it will stick.

4. Form into schmalls and store in freezer.

My husband and I have been munching on these all weekend. They are such a sweet treat/craving cures.

Somehow, I think that 5 miler hike would have been much easier with these schmalls in my faney pack.

Yes, that's right...A faney pack and a bear droppings color shirt.

Ok, so I didn't stop with these schmalls.

Schmalls are very versatile.

You see, life wouldn't be complete with out a Green Drink...

Smores Green Drink


1 1/4 cup non dairy milk (something creamy like soy, coconut, or hemp)

1 1/2 cups spinach

1 frozen banana

1 1/2 smore schmalls



1. Blend all together in a blender until smooth and creamy.

Somehow I strongly believe this would be a MUCH better breakfast selection than eggs and red jello.

Although if it was green jello....

Scratch that.

Ok, so I didn't stop there...


I wanted to go further than I have ever gone before.

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite foods on earth...

Smores Milk Shake


2 frozen bananas

4-5 coconut milk ice cubes

2 large smore schmalls

splash of coconut milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla (optional)


1. In a high powered blender or food processor, blend bananas until creamy, then add coconut ice cubs, and process until creamy, like so:

2. Then add in schmalls and process until combined.

3. Pour in a glass and slurp away into dream land...

I love these because they are SOO easy to make! ONLY 3 ingredients!

What are those cups you ask?

It's frozen coconut milk of coarse! It's what you use when you don't own ice cube trays.

I know I know..

I learned it at girls camp.

Now, these probably won't taste like your regular milk shake at Wendy's, but your doing body a HUGE favor by slurping one of these bad boys. These have healthy fats, minimal sugar, and tons of nutrients!

If only I would have come up with this when I was prego and craving a milk shake every 3-4 hours. I probably wouldn't still be trying to loose a few.

Now, I know your thinking that I would probably never even consider sending Baby Boo to girls camp for fear of torment or poop colored shirts, but as I was photographing this milkshake in the rain this morning, I thought about all the good memories I have and the important lessons I learned.

And then as the sun began to shine through I realized that girls camp had nearly taught me the most valuable lesson of them all. Valuable enough that I think my own daughter should benefit from it as well..

Marry someone who hates camping just as much as you.